the nation-state : an evolutionary and a subterranean view

Oil on Box Canvas 800 mm X 1000 mm Unframed, Ready to Hang

The nation-sate evolved from apes and is today repressive against its own people.

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

Hallah, Iran; Uno, USA; Elena, Italy; Shirin, Iran; Mariola, France; Nour, Egypt; Elaine W, Canada; Priyanka, India; Ji, S Korea; Tugce, Turkey; Elsa, Brazil; Razid, India; Christin, Germany; Khatool, Uzbekistan; Simran, India; Enea, Japan; Subha, India; Valencia, Italy; Penelope, Spain; Liviu Gherman, Romania, Eke, Hungary; Diana, Mexico; Shane, USA, Hal, USA; Angel G, The Philippines; Alan, UK; ES, Canada; Maria, USA; KayaOlsen, Denmark; Carolyn Y M, USA; Linsey, USA; Trika, Mexico; Aera, S Korea; Enola, Iceland

Tags: art, oil painting, oil painting on canvas, traditional painting, surreal painting, imaginary painting, fantasy painting, social painting, political painting, conceptual painting, contemporary painting, subtext to painting, message in painting, narrative in painting, symbolic painting, painting makes a statement, journalistic painting, reportage painting, criticism in painting, critique of state in painting, dark painting, darkness in painting, underground in painting, collage, evolution in painting, apes in painting, man in painting, flags of nations in painting, police repression in painting, Georgia police in painting, India police in painting, Denmark police in painting, Myanmar police in painting, Georgia protester in painting, Denmark protester in painting, Myanmar protester in painting, windows in painting, suitable for governance studies departments, police department, non-governmental organisations

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  • Type: Oil on Box Canvas
  • Size: 800 mm X 1000 mm
  • Frame: Unframed, Ready to Hang
Political Paintings

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

Hallah, Iran; Uno, USA; Elena, Italy; Shirin, Iran; Mariola, France; Nour, Egypt; Elaine W, Canada; Priyanka, India; Ji, S Korea; Tugce, Turkey; Elsa, Brazil; Razid, India; Christin, Germany; Khatool, Uzbekistan; Simran, India; Enea, Japan; Subha, India; Valencia, Italy; Penelope, Spain; Liviu Gherman, Romania, Eke, Hungary; Diana, Mexico; Shane, USA, Hal, USA; Angel G, The Philippines; Alan, UK; ES, Canada; Maria, USA; KayaOlsen, Denmark; Carolyn Y M, USA; Linsey, USA; Trika, Mexico; Aera, S Korea; Enola, Iceland

Tags: art, oil painting, oil painting on canvas, traditional painting, surreal painting, imaginary painting, fantasy painting, social painting, political painting, conceptual painting, contemporary painting, subtext to painting, message in painting, narrative in painting, symbolic painting, painting makes a statement, journalistic painting, reportage painting, criticism in painting, critique of state in painting, dark painting, darkness in painting, underground in painting, collage, evolution in painting, apes in painting, man in painting, flags of nations in painting, police repression in painting, Georgia police in painting, India police in painting, Denmark police in painting, Myanmar police in painting, Georgia protester in painting, Denmark protester in painting, Myanmar protester in painting, windows in painting, suitable for governance studies departments, police department, non-governmental organisations

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